Soil3 vs. Wheat Straw When Seeding New Lawns

Hillary Thompson
Hillary is communications director for Super-Sod. She earned her BS in Horticulture from UGA and has spent the last 30 years marketing plants and gardening products. She used to be a tree snob, but after walking barefoot on a Zoysia lawn, is now a Zoysiagrass snob. When not picnicking on her own Zeon Zoysia lawn, growing vegetables, identifying roadside weeds, or planting hydrangeas and Japanese maples, she spends her time pursuing the domestic arts of knitting, cooking, canning, making things like beeswax candles, and throwing dinner parties. Her great love is helping customers learn how to take care of their lawns, garden better, and enjoy the journey.
April 11, 2016 1 minute read

When seeding new lawns, Soil3 is superior to wheat straw in providing cover over your seeds and seedlings. Here's why.

Benefits of Using Soil³ Compost Instead of Wheat Straw for Mulch

  1. Soil3 does not smother seeds or seedlings like wheat straw can, especially when wheat straw is spread too thick
  2. Wheat straw bring in weed seeds, while Soil3 is cooked to 160 degrees, thereby killing weed seeds that are in the material at that time
  3. Soil3 adds nutrients, but what straw ads nothing
  4. Soil3 improves germination and speeds up lawn coverage by ensuring consistent moisture retention of the soil and because the dark color of the compost helps it hold heat from the sunlight

Wheat straw is notorious for smothering seeds and seedlings, plus it brings in weed seeds to your new lawn. Soil3 is preferable because you can spread it thinner and it's produced via a natural high-heat composting method, which renders it free of weeds.

Plus, Soil3 adds natural nutrients and speed up germination and coverage as seen on these case studies on Zenith Zoysia seeds and Elite Tall Fescue seeds.

The process of using Soil3 to create a new lawn is simple and begins with traditional the ground prep of incorporating compost into to improve your dirt. Then, use a broadcast spreader to evenly scatter your grass seeds. Finally, use a shovel or compost spreader to spread 1/4" of Soil3 compost on top of your seeds.

Compost spreaders come in many forms from small drums you push to larger gas-powered spreaders that are self propelled. You can often rent theres at your local equipment rental and most Super-Sod stores rent them out as well.

To purchase Soil3, order online or contact your local Soil³ dealer today.

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When you buy our BigYellowBag of Soil³ we are so confident that you will be happy with the quality of our product, that if it’s not to your satisfaction when we deliver it, we will pick up the unused bag for FREE and give you a 100% refund.